This page is to check the result for all the examinations related to Gandaki Boarding School. Gandaki Boarding School is one of the popular and targeted destinations for students. The school is located in Lamachaur Pokhara. It is one of the reputed and established schools in Nepal. There are many facilities like junior and secondary school building, swimming pool, huge football ground, library, computer lab and different hostels.
The students of Gandaki Boarding School belongs to the different parts of Nepal. Here you will get students from the eastern to the western part of Nepal. The main objective of the school is to spread the education to the all parts of Nepal. The scholarship program makes this school popular among the students. Every year school has to conduct scholarship exam for the intelligent and poor students. So that is a great opportunity for the economically poor students to get the scholarship.
How to Check the Result?
The examination is the main tool to get the knowledge about the academic standard of the school. There are three types of exam ( First, Second and Third Term). But inbetween mid term also taken to check the monthly academic evaluation. It is very easy to check the result for the students. You have to follow the given easy steps to check your result.
- First you have to click the given button.
Gandaki Boarding School Result
- You will get the given dialog box
- Select the Year (Academic year), Exam type ( Like First, Second, Third or Mid Term) and enter your GBS Registration Number (like GBS 265) and then click to SUBMIT.
- Now you will get your mark sheet.
Gandaki Boarding School Result