CDC Science Grade 9 Book Free Download

CDC Science Grade 9 Book Free Download

Grade 9 SEE

CDC Science Grade 9 Book Free Download

CDC Science Book Download is the easy way to download an Science Grade 9 book. Science is one of the compulsory subjects of Grade 9 in Nepal. There are many websites to get the educational material. The official website of Curriculum Development will give you all the information about the curriculum of any subject. Here you can download the Science Grade 9 Book of the latest edition easily.

The objective of the book

The curriculum and curricular materials have been developed and revised regularly to make education purposeful, practical, relevant, and job-oriented. It is necessary to instill the feeling of nationalism, national integrity, and democratic spirit in students and equip them with morality, discipline, and self-reliance to develop the social and personal skills as well as the basic competencies of language, science, occupation, information, and communication technology, environment and health, and life skills.

It is also necessary to appreciate, preserve and promote arts and aesthetics, social norms and values, and ideals. Moreover, to develop an equitable society, it is necessary to inculcate students with respect for ethnicity, gender, disabilities, languages, religions, cultures, and regional diversity. Likewise, education should also help them to be well-informed of human rights and social norms and values to make them capable of playing the role of responsible citizens. This textbook has been developed in this form based on the Basic Education Curriculum 2069 (Grade 6 to 8), incorporating the feedback obtained from teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders during its piloting.

Author and Contributors of the Book

Bringing out the book in this form, the contribution of the executive director of CDC Mr. Diwakar Dhungel, Prof. Dr. Chandreshor Mishra, Dr. Bal Mukunda Bhandari, Shambhu Prasad Dahal, Dr. Rishi Ram Rijal, Ganga Dhar Hada, Sita Sharma, Homnath Amgain is highly acknowledged. The subject matter and language of this book were edited by Chandra Kanta Bhusal, Bishnu Prasad
Parajuli and Nim Prakash Singh Rathaur. CDC extends sincere thanks to all contributors who contributed to preparing this new edition of the book including Nim Prakash Rathore for editorial support, Shreehari Shrestha for coordinating the task of artworks and design, Ganesh Bhattarai and director-general of curriculum development centre Dr Lekha Nath Poudel for overall coordination in preparing this edition.

A textbook is one of the important curricular materials. This book contains a variety of reading materials and exercises which will help learners to achieve the competency and learning outcomes set in the curriculum. Each unit deals with all language skills and the subject matters required to practise various language learning activities. There is uniformity in the presentation of activities which will certainly make it convenient for the students. The teachers, students and others concerned are expected to make constructive comments and suggestions to make it a useful learning material in its future editions.

CDC Science Grade 9 Book Download [English]

CDC Science Grade 9 Book Download [Nepali]

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