BLE Model Question English 2076

BLE Model Question English 2076



BLE Model Question English 2076 will give the all the important question related to Basic Level Examination. This model set is the collection of questions of English subject. BLE Model Question English 2076 will guide you to make your preparation much better.


Time: 2 hours 15 minutes                              Full Marks: 75                                                    Pass Marks: 30


Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.

1. Choose the correct options from the brackets in order to complete the sentences below: (5×1=5)

i. He is _______ M.B.B.S. student. (a/ an/ the)

ii. Children are fond __ games. (for/ of/ with)

iii. Students go to school _______ get knowledge. (for/ so/ in order)

iv. Do your homework________. (myself/ yourself/ himself)

iv. Have a look over there, ________? (will you/ do you/ haven’t you)

2. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets: (3×1=3)

i. He asked me where I lived. (Into Direct Speech)

ii. We should obey the teachers. (Into Passive Voice)

iii. The book is highly entertaining. You gave me the book as a present. (Into one sentence  relative clause)

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the bracket below: (2×1=2)

[is     are      buy       buys]

i. The teacher with his wife _______ coming.

ii. When she goes to market she ________ sweets.

4. Read the following text and do the activities that follow:

Games and sports keep one physically and mentally fit. They keep one away from diseases relating to the heart, obesity, mental stress and sleeplessness. They instill in the player a spirit of self-confidence, self-reliance, discipline, justice, fair play and patriotism. Games provide us with recreation and enjoyment.

Games keep our body alert, active, youthful and energetic. Games increase the circulation of blood, boost metabolism, burn calories and improve respiration and the digestion. Healthy people can work hard cheerfully for a long period of time. They can face dangers boldly. They enable people to follow other virtues like discipline, honesty, integrity, loyalty and patriotism.

While playing games, various exercises are performed automatically. Brisk walking, running, cycling, skipping, swimming and yoga are common activities to keep fit. Mild exercise help patients recover from heart attacks, diabetes, blood pressure, etc. Exercise invigorates us.

Games provide is with recreation and enjoyment. Football, cricket, lawn tennis or wrestling are watched by millions of fans all over the world. When we watch and play games, we forget all our worries and anxieties. They enable us to diver our mind from wrong things.

Sports help people to face challenges in life bravely. Players are not deterred by failures because they know that failures are the stepping stones to success. Such an approach would help one reorganize one’s skills. Players develop team spirit. They learn to adjust with other people’s shortcomings. They respect and follow the rules of the game they play. Sportsperson display punctuality, diplomacy and self-discipline.

a. Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B:(4×0.5=2)

Column A                                Column B

  1. metabolism                        tackle with difficulty
  2. face                                      act of converting food into the energy
  3. invigorate                           feeling of worry
  4. anxieties                              fill with energy


b. Fill in the blanks with the words from the bracket below: (0.5×6=3)

[Patriotism     recover     divert    deterred    pursue    ailments]

i. The doctor said that he would ______soon from the pneumonia.

ii. The television programmes _______ our mind from study.

iii. Pure drinking water saves us from many ______.

iv. Every Friday we are given time to _______the games in school.

v. She hasn’t been _______by the failure in exam.

vi. Loving his/ her own nation is called_________.

c. Read the passage again and answer the following questions: (4×1=4)

i. What do the games instill in players?

ii. How do the games provide us with recreation and enjoyment?

iii. Why are the players not deterred?

iv. What are the virtues that the games enable us to follow?


5. Read the following passages and do the activities that follow:

In a monastery far away from human habitation lived a saint called Deva. He made a lot of money by selling clothes gifted to him by well-wishers and disciples. It became a burden for him to guard that wealth. Since he did not trust anyone, he put all his money into a bag and carried it with him wherever he went. Ashamvav, an experienced cheat, noticed Deva always carrying his bag with him. He thought that the bag certainly contained something valuable, so he planned to snatch it from him.

One day, the cheat met the saint and promptly fell on his feet and said, “Oh, know-all, I have realized that this life is an illusion; young is fleeting and all familiar ties are like a dream. Please show me the correct path that frees me from all worldly ties.”

Pleased with his humility, Deva said, “Child, you are the blessed one who has thought of renouncing worldly pleasures. Listen, the person that chants ‘Om Namahshivayah’ and smears holy ash on his forehead, becomes Shiva himself. He knows no rebirth. I shall accept you as my portage, but you must not enter the hermitage in the night because company is forbidden for saints. After initiation, you have to live in the hut at the entrance of the monastery.”

Ashamvav promised the saint that he would consider every sign from him as a command and carry it out. Satisfied, the saint accepted the cheat as his disciple. Ashamvav too began making Deva happy by attending to his every need, but seeing that the saint never separated the money-bag from him, Ashamvav thought, “The old man is very crafty and always keeps the bag with him. How can I snatch it from him? Shall I kill him?”

As the cheat was at a loss to achieving his goal, a visitor came calling on the sage. The visitor invited Deva to come to his village and perform Brataband (the sacred thread ceremony) of his son. The saint accepted the invitation and set out for the village taking Ashamvav with him.

On the way, the guru and his disciple had to cross a river. After bathing in the river Deva wanted to rest for a while. He took the money bag and pushed it into a quilt he was carrying. Then, he told the disciple, “I have to respond to nature’s call. I am leaving this quilt of Shiva here. Keep an eye on it.” The moment the guru went out of his sight, Ashamvav collected the bag and fled from the place.

With great trust in his disciple, Deva decided to join a crowd watching two well-fed goats fight ferociously. As blood was running down their heads, a jackal came there to feast on the blood the two goats were shedding. Deva saw the jackal entering the scene and thought that the jackal would surely dies caught between the two warring goats. His surmise came true, and the jackal dies, gored by the two goats.

After the death of the jackal, Deva returned to where he had left the money-bag with Ashamvav. He found Ashamvav missing. The holy quilt was there but not the money-bag. He began wailing, “Oh, trickster, what have you done? I have lost everything in the world.” After a vain search for the trickster, the foolish saint returned home unhappily.

a. Find the correct words from the text above for the following meanings: (4×0.5=2)

i. Follower of a religion

ii. A mournful cry

iii. A building where religious persons live

iv. Somebody who deceives others

b. Arrange these sentences after reading the passage: (4×0.5=2)

i. A cheat decided to snatch the money.

ii. A sage used to live in a monastery away from the village.

iii. He kept that money with great care.

iv. He collected some money from the gifts given by others.

c. Read the passage again and answer the following questions: (3×1=3)

i. How did the sage make a lot of money?

ii. What did Ashamvav plan to do?

iii. Why did the sage begin wailing?


c. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the bracket below: (6×0.5=3)

[habitation, cheat, trust, illusion, rebirth, sacred thread]

i. A _________ came in our village and deceived some housewives list.

ii. The mirror gives an _________ of depth.

iii. The religious people believe on the ________ of soul.

iv. Some Hindu people wear ________ as a sign of second birth.

iv. This place is not suitable for human ________ due to active landslide.

vi. You shouldn’t __________ the strangers.

6. Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

Would you eat one of the world’s most poisonous creatures? The blow fishy, known in Japan as fugu is one of the deadliest fish in the sea. Its organs are filled with tetrodotoxin, a poison that affects the muscles in the body. Tetrodotoxin is so lethal that an amount the size of a pinhead can kill a human being. Each fugu contains enough poison to kill 30 people. Victims who eat tetrodotoxin will feel the effects within half an hour. First, their mounts will begin to tingle. Then they will experience sweating, headaches, nausea and uncontrollable shaking. Finally, if they do not receive treatment, they will stop breathing and die.

It is difficult to believe that an animal that dangerous is also a popular food item in Japan and a few other East Asian countries. Japanese people eat nearly 10,000 tons of fugu each year. Fugu can be found on the menus of many Japanese restaurants. Fugu is most often served in a dish called Sashimi but it is also eaten baked, fried, stewed, or as part of salad.

No matter how fugu is served, it has to be prepared very carefully so that is no longer poisonous. According to Japanese law, fugu can only be served by licensed chefs. Chefs who want to serve fugu must first receive two to three years of difficult training. After the training, the chefs take a taste to prove that they are able to correctly prepare the fish.

a. In the text above find the similar words for the ones given below: (4×0.5=2)

a. deadly commence            c. rule             d. cook

b. In the text above find the opposite words for the ones given below: (4×0.5=2)

a. safe present                     b. obedient    c. few

c. Read the above text again and choose the correct answer and complete the following sentences: (4×0.5=2)

1. ‘Fugu’ is a kind of ________.

i fish poison                    ii. a human organ

2. An amount the size of a pinhead of ________ is enough to kill a man.

i. fugu fish                                 ii. tetrodotoxin

3. The dish which contained fugu is called ___________.

i. Sashami Salad                       ii. fish

4. The chefs must take a taste of fugu to prove that they are _________ cooked.

i. correctly actually                  ii. difficulty

d. Answer the following questions based on the text above: (4×1=4)

i. What are the symptoms of the poison to humans?

ii. Where is fugu eaten as a popular food item?

iii. Why it is necessary to serve fugu by licensed chefs in Japan?

iv. What is tetrodotoxin?


7. Read the following text and answer the questions:

Swami Vivekananda said, “Whatever you think that you will be. If you think yourself strong, strong you will be, if you think yourself weak, weak you will be.” Both strength and weakness are the stage of human mind. Teach men about strength that is already within them.

Every one should think of strength and know what strength and weakness are. All good and divine qualities are strength and qualities are weakness. We should always keep in mind some of the qualities that lead to strength and weakness: Here they are: Ability is strength, inability is weakness. Courage is strength and cowardice is weakness. Kindness is strength, wickedness is weakness. Dignity is strength, disgrace is weakness. Efficiency is strength, inefficiency is weakness. Obedience is strength, disobedience is weakness. Patience is strength, anger is weakness. Tolerance is strength, ignorance is weakness. Zeal is strength, idleness is weakness. Faith is strength, doubt is weakness. Intelligence is strength, foolishness is weakness.

a. Answer the following questions: (4×2=8)

i. What does Swami Vivekananda think about strength and weakness?

ii. What are strengths and where is it?

iii. What are good and divine qualities?

iv. Give any four examples of strength and weakness.

b. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the passage: (4×0.5=2)

i. If you think yourself _____ strong you will be.

ii. According to the passage, both strength and weakness are the state of _______.

iii. Weakness is a bad quality ______ qualities are strength.

iv. If doubt is weakness, _______ is the strength.

8. Write a news story with the help of the given points: (5)

A wave in the Rara Lake ______ a tourist boat up sent ______ two of them drowned ______ three swans across ______ four still missing _______ on information _______ search is still on.

9. Develop a story with the outlines given below and give suitable title and a moral. (6)

A king defeats for many times _______ hides in a cave ______ sees a spider climbing the wall _____ falls several times _______ gets success at last _____ the king collects enough courage ____ attacks enemies _____ succeeds _____ moral.

10. Write a letter to your friend by explaining the importance of female education in our society (150 to 200 words). (15)


Write an essay on the uses of social media describing the advantages and disadvantages.

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BLE Model Question Paper PBT 2076




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